Ossidazioni Collection
Il tempo e il suo divenire mi affascina, il suo influsso sulla materia è un aspetto che osservo con attenzione per cercare di riportarne il processo nel mio lavoro. Le tracce raccontano dell’assenza in una memoria fossile, così nelle mie superfici l’impronta e sempre “ presente” in un gioco di affioramenti e stratificazioni, ricoperta di polveri di ferro, foglie di ottone e rame ossidate.
878/5000 In this apparent simplicity, which makes these works look like castings, lies the secret of an acquired wisdom. Tools for the mind, supports to push the thought beyond the usual circuits. Alice presents us with works that do not offer solutions. In this they are not comforting, they are not works that offer themselves to the laziness of an inattentive eye, but they are works ready to come to life and to offer exploratory traces to anyone, stimulated by these rough and sumptuous surfaces, brutal and refined, dark and brilliant, know recomposing these antagonistic couples in a single and harmonious vision, because only in this way does the sincerity of the work become evident. Even in their artificial production process, these works speak in a synthetic and immediate voice telling us about Alice's world. And Alice's world includes nature and all its infinite forms of life.Claudio Giorgetti